The Team

Louise Brooks
Marketing Rockstar

Louise is a marketing professional with over 10 years under her belt managing successful marketing projects and campaigns for a range of corporates and agencies.

With one eye firmly on emerging trends Louise is a natural at spotting an opportunity.

Louise’s passions include her 2 young children, high street regeneration projects and pop up shops.


Suki Pickering

Suki has headed up Data departments for some of the largest digital agencies in London, working in Measurement and Analysis throughout her career spanning more than 15 years.

Suki’s super power is transforming data that us mere mortals cannot make head nor tail of into sexy, useful info that helps drive decision making. Most recently Suki has been analysing social media campaign performance.

When Suki isn’t analysing marketing stats, she can be found hanging out with 2 year old Timo (named after the German trance DJ) or going on excessively long bike rides.